Oral hygiene in office

The hygienist, during a professional oral hygiene session, studies the needs of the patient: he or she examines the state of the oral mucous membrane, judges the level of hygiene, checks the possible presence of tooth decay or other elements that need to be filled pre-emptively. He or she also controls the state of the periodontium by using a coloured revealing substance that highlights the accumulation of plaque. He or she professionally removes plaque and tartar both supra- and subgingival, teaching the patient the specific techniques of home oral hygiene. The hygienist also removes the eccessive pigmentations and proceeds with the apply of fluoride or other products that fight the dental hypersensitivity.
Many people thing that the “dental hygiene” (or tartar removal) may damage the dental structures. This may happen if the right tools are not used, or if the hygienist is not sufficiently competent. An experienced hygienist knows that the tools need to be selective, aimed to the areas that present accumulations of plaque and tartar.
Plaque and tartar are removed both with particular ultrasound devices and with manual tools. The first ones use the mechanic vibration of an insert mounted on a battery, and require the irrigation in order to cool the point down.
The second ones are blade tools, to be used manually, and skilfully.
In our Clinic, these two types of instruments are combined, in order to get the best out of both. Normally it is the hygienist, after consulting the odontologist, to suggest the terms of the appointments most suitable for each patient.


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